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Oops, we did it again! Testbirds is one of Germany’s most innovative companies for the second time


Oops, we did it again! Testbirds is one of Germany’s most innovative companies for the second time

Capital and Statista have once again addressed the question of which companies in Germany are real pioneers in terms of innovation and determined the “Most Innovative Companies in Germany 2021” in a comprehensive analysis.
We’re proud to be able to say that Testbirds received the award as one of the most innovative companies in Germany – for the second time in a row.

Big challenges paved the way through 2020

2020 has shown us like no year before that innovative digital approaches, flexibility, and a strong corporate culture are the foundation for every business (as well as private life). The key to success lies in the development of digital products with excellent usability and user experience along the whole customer journey.
We’re very proud that crowdtesting can help our clients create such excellent products. And the award also strengthens our conviction that our testing solutions add important value to our clients and partners.

The fact that we were able to successfully switch our processes to a remote setting from one day to another (literally), while at the same time further promoting creativity and initiative, shows us what we’re able to achieve thanks to a great corporate culture. Of course, there’s no corporate culture without employees. So, we also want to thank each and every member of the team for their work. Because they are the real drivers of our innovative power – also from home office.

The selection process

Capital and Statista have once again determined the “Most Innovative Companies in Germany 2021” in a comprehensive analysis. Conducted through an online survey, a total of 3,269 leadership experts as well as members of the Statista Expert Cycle were interviewed about companies in their respective branches. The survey covered 20 industry sectors from “Automotive & Commercial Vehicles” to “Hospital & Care” and “Internet, Media & Communication”. Testbirds was awarded in the latter alongside 49 other companies such as Google Germany, SoundCloud Global, and Facebook Germany.

In the survey, the experts were asked for recommendations on which companies they consider to be particularly innovative in their industry. These suggestions were supplemented with a “long list” of award-winning companies from 55 innovation competitions of the past three years and evaluated regarding three innovation areas: products and services, processes, and corporate culture.
Finally, an assessment was made based on predefined criteria for recommending the selected companies. The results of the sub-surveys were variously weighed and transferred into a five-star scheme. According to the results, Munich proved to be a stronghold of innovation for the second year in succession: of 473 winning companies, 76 are based in the metropolitan area of the capital of Bavaria. A complete list of the winners can be found here (in German).


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