Website provider:
Testbirds GmbH
Radlkoferstraße 2
81373 München
Amtsgericht München
Registernummer: HRB 199376
VAT-ID: DE283970887
Business managers:
Georg Hansbauer, Markus Steinhauser, Christian Wäntig
Contact us:
Telefon: +49 89 856 3335 0
Companies register: München, Deutschland
Responsible for content:
Georg Hansbauer, Markus Steinhauser, Christian Wäntig
Terms of use
Limitation of Liability
The content of this website has been created with the utmost care and in good faith. However, the provider cannot guarantee the validity, completeness or actuality of the provided content. Contributions characterized by name express the respective author’s individual opinion which may differ from the provider’s one. Should you find any incorrect or problematic content on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
External links
This website includes links to third party website (‘external links’). The liability for those websites are held by its owners. The provider of this website does not have any influence on those external website’s current or future designs or the content on those websites. Therefore, we dismiss any liability for content on third party websites.
Copyright law and related rights
The published contents on this website are protected by the copyright law and the related rights of the Federal Republic of Germany. Any use which is not allowed by the previously stated laws requires a written consent by the provider or the respective right holder. This especially applies to the reproduction, editing, translation, storing, processing of content in data bases or other electronic media and systems. Displaying this website or parts of it in external frames is only allowed after receiving a written consent.