Testing fitness trackers, wearables, and smart clothing
Wearable technology is today’s functional fashion statement. We’re in the midst of a technological revolution where our clothes and accessories can be complex, connected devices. That means you need to make sure your brand stands for well-dressed, highly functional, and user-friendly technology. This can be achieved by gathering real end-user feedback from our Crowd.
How can Testbirds help you optimize fitness trackers, wearables, and smart clothing?
What makes a fitness tracker or wearable successful?
Wristwatches, clothes, and jewelry. Thanks to the digitalization of these products, they’re now tech “wearables”. The most famous example of this is the smartwatch.
Increasingly, however, many other innovative wearables are appearing, such as t-shirts that measure your heart rate, yoga pants that deliver haptic vibrations, so you know how long to hold a pose, even smart baby socks that monitor how well a baby is sleeping. Rings that let you purchase goods, pendants that can be worn as a necklace or bracelet that tracks activity, monitors your sleep, even detects stress levels.
The opinions on whether these objects are useful are naturally varied, and manufacturers must figure out if clients want this particular type of product.
Measure the market acceptance with crowdtests
To avoid unnecessary development and marketing costs, and worse – a product that doesn’t sell – crowdtesting can be used to measure whether or not the product will be successful with its intended target group, well before release.
In addition, crowdtesting is cost-effective and available on an ad-hoc basis. Such testing can also rate the functionality and user-friendliness of your products. Does your smart t-shirt stop working when users sweat? How dependable is your smartwatch’s Internet connection? Is the battery life acceptable? Can data be easily shared with a smartphone or computer?
Ready to learn more about testing fitness trackers, wearables, and smart clothing?
Get in touchDo you have questions about testing fitness trackers, wearables, and smart clothing?
Would you like to have more information on how we can help you make your digital products even better? Just send us a message, one of our solution consultants will be happy to get in touch with you.