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Comparison Study

Thinking about an A/B test? We have a better solution with real outcomes on your KPIs. Find out what your users prefer and why.

The Challenge The Solution In More Detail

How we support you

Advantages of Comparison Study

A Comparison Study helps you uncover invaluable insights about the requirements of your specific target group. Discover usability problems in new or changed versions of your user interface design to improve the user experience design of your digital product and increase your conversion rate.

Significantly improve the CR and ROI of your digital product
Get the chance to compare completely different variation
Save time and resources compared to A/B testing
Understand why your users prefer a particular version
The Challenge

A/B tests are not enough

When talking about improving the usability and user experience (UX) of a website, webshop, or any other digital product, most people immediately think about classical A/B tests.

So, what normally happens is this: you take one single piece of your website and change it, for example, the color of the CTA-button. Then it goes live and you test it against the previous version.

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The version that gets the most clicks is the winner and will be live from that moment onwards.
As you can imagine, this is both time and resource consuming.

Furthermore, it’s also quite likely that your conversion rate only changes marginally with every change. Plus, it opens the door for operational blindness as you design the tests and hypotheses based on your own preferences instead of your customer’s.

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The Solution

Consult your target group

Imagine you could test several different versions of your product against each other and get the chance to ask your users why they prefer a certain element in version A and another element in version B and C. We help you with your UX research and usability testing by offering exactly that.

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Our Crowd supports you with your comparative analysis by finding out if you should choose options A or B, and tells you exactly why one alternative is better than the other. From wireframes and click dummies all the way up to finished websites, a Comparison Study can be used in all stages of development.

We create a custom test design based on your requirements. Let the testers decide between different colors, text layouts, and navigation styles. It’s also possible to choose two tester groups that each test only one of the alternatives and provide you with feedback regarding only option A or B.

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Learn more about Comparison Study

What is a Comparison Study?

A Comparison Study helps you and your design team discover usability problems in new or changed versions of your user interface design. These problems can impact your conversion rate and overall customer experience.

It goes far beyond the widely known A/B testing. In A/B tests you can only change one small part of your website – like the CTA-button – but a Comparison Study gives you the opportunity to test completely different versions against each other.

In the end, not only will you know which version is preferred by your target audience, but also why, since this type of research lets you ask the testers for qualitative feedback during the test session. This allows you to combine qualitative and quantitative methods by asking real users about certain user behaviors and preferences.

Real-world testing

How it looks in practice

Green or red? One of our clients operating in the sports industry could not decide what the main color of their logo and digital presence should be during a revamp of their design.

50 crowdtesters that matched the criteria of the company’s target group (mostly male, between 20 and 45 years old who were also sports enthusiasts with an annual income of over 50,000 Euros) were consulted. The testers were then randomly divided into two groups and were asked to answer 5 qualitative and 5 quantitative questions. A number of key messages that the brand and the new design should deliver had been prepared in advance.

The testers were then asked to rate how much they agreed that the layout matched those key messages, on a scale of 1 to 10. After evaluating the questionnaires, the results clearly indicated that the green design was not only preferred by testers due to its visual appearance, but was also rated as a better match to the company’s key messages.

Our other services

Powered by crowdsourced testing: Challenge usability & UX issues with our services

Every sector has its own specific testing needs. Therefore a target-oriented strategy is necessary, which is individually tailored to the client, his requirements, and the test object.

Usability and UX Test

Quantitative Usability Test

Competitor Analysis

Prototype Evaluation

Unmoderated Usability Test

Moderated User Sessions

Card Sorting

Crowd Surveys


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Your benefits

Stop guessing, start testing


Real user insights that perfectly match your target group.

Service Level & Pricing

Credit-based pricing: Full budget control with our own flexible currency – BirdCoins.

Fair tester

We provide fair working conditions for our testers (Code of Conduct).


UX & QA crowdtesting services for all industries and use cases.

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