Digital Thinkers Forum
In the fourth edition of the Testbirds Digital Thinkers Forum on June 30, 2022 we learned how to provide a holistic customer experience in a future of NFT communities, VR, and the metaverse.
The Future of Digital Customer Experience
In his keynote, he explored how new technologies like voice assistants, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), non-fungible token (NFT) communities, and the metaverse will change the digital marketing landscape. In addition to that, Björn shared insights on how marketers and customer experience (CX) experts can prepare for this future and continue to provide holistic CX.
Björn Radde
Björn Radde is Vice President Digital Experience at T-Systems International and is responsible for all digital marketing touchpoints such as T-Systems’ website, social media channels, and digital marketing campaigns. He also leads the social selling program, the innovation centers, and the Chief Tomorrow Officer program.
Björn is an expert in digital marketing and social media and publishes articles and books regularly. He was recognized by the New York Marketing Association as a forward-thinking marketer.
Watch the recording
Revisit key sections from the Digital Thinkers Forum and take away valuable insights about the topics of augmented reality, virtual reality, digital signage, NFT communities, voice assistants, and customer experience in the metaverse.
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