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Running a Marathon for the Evelina London’s Children Hospital


Running a Marathon for the Evelina London’s Children Hospital

At Testbirds, we like to support our employees on a professional and personal basis, especially when they take on an amazing feat that helps make the world a better place. Today, we’re pleased to announce that one of our International Senior Account Managers, Carl Fryer, is running the London Marathon on the 28th of April for a charitable cause. Supporting the Evelina London Children’s Hospital, a part of St. Thomas’ Hospital, Carl and his two brothers decided to run the 42.2km marathon with the promise to raise £7,500. Having already raise a little over £10,000, they are now aiming to hit their personal goal of £15,000, which will be donated in its entirety to the hospital, to assist in purchasing expensive equipment such as special care incubators for premature babies (£6,000 each) or O2/air blenders to help children breathe easier (£3,800 for 4). Their motivation stems from their own personal experience with the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.

Violet at Evelina London Children’s Hospital

“My niece, Violet, was admitted to the Evelina Children’s Hospital because she was born 3 months premature and they effectively saved her life. So along with my brother, who is her father, and my other brother, we want to raise as much money for the hospital, which ensured that my niece could be healthy and here today, as we possibly can. Other than that, this is going to be my second marathon, so I do also like the challenge. I doubt I’ll beat my time, as I’m running as a part of a team, but I believe it’s a great physical challenge for a great cause. Working in an office all day can be mentally challenging, but you don’t get the time or chance to often push yourself to the limit physically. Still, raising awareness and money for such a great cause is my main motivation”, says Carl.

Running a marathon is no easy feat; it requires time, dedication and a lot of preparation. When asked how Carl has been preparing for the past 6 months, he explains, “Running. Basically there’s a lot of running going on. It’s been challenging, seeing as this is the first marathon for my other two brothers, meaning there’s a lot of training involved. We’re trying to be very active in the gym too, because honestly, running on its own can get pretty boring. A mix of cardio and weight training is the key to success here. The aim is to get our fitness up in general and hit the marathon with everything we’ve got.”

Carl and his brothers training in a half marathon

We at Testbirds are extremely proud of our employee, Carl, for undertaking such a daunting task as well as raising money for an important cause. As part of our CSR initiative aimed at empowering and improving communities and industries we’re involved in, such as our work with the Crowdsourcing Code of Conduct, we’ve decided to formally assist in promoting and fundraising Carl and his brother’s cause through our own channels. Therefore, we encourage you to donate even just £5 towards saving a child’s life. Please use the following link if you’re interested in helping Carl and his brothers achieve their mission of raising funds for the Evelina London Children’s Hospital:

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About the author

Carl is an active individual who struggles to sit still. You’ll often find him flying about, especially when building the UK business out of the London office.



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Testbirds specialises in the testing of software such as apps, websites and Internet of Things applications by using innovative technologies and solutions. Under the slogan, “Testing Reality”, the company offers various testing methods to its clients looking to optimise the user-friendliness and functionality of their digital products. With over 250,000 registered testers located in 193 countries, Testbirds is one of the world’s leading crowdtesting providers. In addition, the IT service provider utilises cloud based technologies to support customers in the optimisation of their digital products. The combination of the two testing methods delivers a unique and extensive portfolio that takes the quality of software to the next level. Testbirds was founded in 2011 by Philipp Benkler, Georg Hansbauer and Markus Steinhauser. Today, the company has over 100 employees. Other than its headquarters in Munich, there are now offices in Amsterdam, London and Stockholm, franchises in Hungary and Russia and sales partners in Italy.

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