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Many happy returns from Testbirds


Many happy returns from Testbirds

What a crazy year and a half it’s been!

Virtual meetings, online events, emailing (and more emailing), face-timing, and lots of work from home.

There’s no doubt that without our digital world, we would’ve struggled to properly stay in touch – and remain productive – during the pandemic. Can you imagine what it’d have been like barely a generation ago? It’s just another reason we’re proud to be helping our clients build a better digital world!

But as vaccines increasingly roll out and mask mandates help keep us safe, things have been slowly returning to normal. Well, as normal as things can be right now.

We’ve been gradually returning to our offices and re-connecting with colleagues; we’ve even started having in-person meetings with clients. It’s finally feeling like we can see the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. It must be what a bear feels like when it crawls out of its cave after months in hibernation.

Just being able to enjoy the (once very taken for granted) freedom of being able to move around and stand together, has given us here at Testbirds a real boost.

It certainly gave us the enthusiasm and motivation to get back out into the world again.

More so because we’d been working on something special… and we wanted to show it off.

Times have changed – and so have we

After a lot of hard work, we were finally ready to show off our new look and feel.

The decision to rebrand ourselves was tough but necessary. While our previous look was well-known, trusted, and certainly served us well for many years, it was time for a change.

Because we had all changed.

The past years have seen Testbirds attract a wide range of increasingly diverse and larger clients. Our success, our experience, our maturity needed to be reflected in the market. We wanted a fresh look to reflect the new us – a modern, state-of-the-art business.

Even with all the lockdowns and remote work, our dedicated teams worked through all the challenges (and changes) to deliver something we are all proud of and that we very much wanted to share with the world.

We knew everything, including our new website, would ‘go live’ in October but we wanted to show it off earlier and get some ‘real-world’ reactions!

The best way to do this was to get outside and give it an exclusive ‘sneak peek’ in person.

Thankfully, there were two face-to-face events set to run in September.

This gave us a fantastic opportunity to preview the new brand, talk about our solutions with specific audiences, and do what we love – meet people!

Hello Amsterdam

Between the 21st and 23rd of September, we attended one of the world’s largest fintech shows – Money20/20 Europe.

Once our team was set up and ready, we opened our booth at RAI Amsterdam, just near the center of the city.


After a year and a half of virtual events, it was an interesting experience, to say the least. As our Vice President International Markets, Andrew Maat said, he was “…excited in a first day in school kind of way”.

Touted as fintech’s biggest reunion, Money20/20 Europe brought together bankers, merchants, acquirers and processors, and anyone else looking for the latest innovations, trends, and in-depth discussions about the financial services industry.

It was the perfect platform for us to discuss our payments testing solutions and how traditional means of testing simply aren’t up-to-date or agile enough to deal with rapidly changing modern technologies.

Then throw in the need to understand ever-new customer expectations and how local and global regulations can impact payments solutions, especially as they become more complex and diverse.

But the best part was being able to go into detail about our solutions to a very enthusiastic and interested crowd.

There was a lot to talk about.

Functional testing to ensure payments solutions work as intended.

Usability testing to help evaluate whether a product is hard to use, isn’t user-friendly, or doesn’t meet the needs and wants of its users.

Integration testing (plus compatibility testing) and how it is vital in ensuring payments solutions work across numerous devices, websites, or applications.

Performance testing to check for performance issues and whether it effectively works with everything it interacts with, under real-world conditions.

And last, but certainly not least:

Localization testing to make sure your payments solution meets the needs of your regional target audience, adheres to local standards, regional customs, and cultural sensitivities. Plus, a broad range of other potential issues – from currencies to dates and times, text expansion, icons, shortcuts, and more.

Overall, the event was amazing. So many innovative ideas, interesting presentations, and conversations. Actual, face to face, conversations!

It was great to get to meet with everyone – especially with some of our existing clients who were also at the show.

If you’re interested in seeing what it was all about and who was there, click here to view some of the show’s highlights and their futuristic entrance!

Paris calling

Barely a week later, a new team flew into France for Paris Retail Week – Europe’s biggest get-together for the retail ecosystem.

For three days (28 – 30 September), we not only experienced the event’s keynotes, workshops, awards, and announcements of innovations but were excited to present our retail and e-commerce solutions.

However, as with the first team, it was certainly an interesting experience – as summed up by a team member’s feedback that it “almost felt surreal to be back to normal and meeting face-to-face.”


Featuring over 600 exhibitors, more than 400 speakers, and 16,000 plus attendees, it’s clear to see why this event is so important for retail professionals. You can check out what happened at the event on their website!

It was an incredible event, and, in many ways, it is the place where the future of shopping is decided.

This was ideal for us because we know that crowdtesting is the future for developing an amazing customer experience.

And we had plenty to share.

Load and performance testing to help e-commerce providers continually evaluate that their online service is running optimally and that it can manage any extra traffic from shoppers.

Competitor analysis to benchmark your customer offering against those of your competitors and find where you can get a competitive edge.

Plus, many of our Exclusive Solutions:

Exploratory bug tests with BugAbilityTM which takes care of all QA and UX testing, so retailers can be sure that their products are bug-free, run as expected, and provide a great user experience.

Customer journey testing helps retailers to create a flawless experience for their customers, wherever they are on their shopping journey.

Chatbot & virtual assistant testing, which looks at making sure chatbots and virtual assistants deliver fast and accurate information but in a natural, human-like way as possible.

But most importantly, at both events, we were able to personally demonstrate the power, usability, and incredible flexibility of crowdtesting – real humans delivering direct and detailed feedback on digital products – not through a webpage or an email, or being a face on a screen, but by directly speaking with people.

It’s the best way to demonstrate our absolute passion for what we do and how we want to build a better digital world – together!

As the pandemic ends (c’mon, let’s be positive!), we’re certain to be attending more in-person events.

These two were a wonderful reminder of the need to truly connect. To speak face to face. To not see a blurred background behind the person we’re talking to online (granted, after all the great champagne at the Paris Retail Week, everything was a bit blurry)!

To meet at a truly human level.

That, to us, is what crowdtesting is all about. The human touch. It is so essential when it comes to ensuring that a product does what it is expected to do (and more). Different experiences, emotions, needs and wants, cultures… they all combine to test products at levels that no algorithm can ever achieve.

As our lives become more intertwined with digital solutions, the human element – in ensuring they are ideal – will only become stronger.

Just like our real-life relationships.

That’s the beauty of being able to attend such face-to-face events, and why we’d love to see you at our next one.


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Stop guessing if your product meets your users' expectations and start making decisions based on facts.

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