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Check Your Check-Out in Time for Shopping Season


Check Your Check-Out in Time for Shopping Season

On average 7 out of 10 online shopping carts are abandoned. There are different reasons for this but one major issue is when the payment process doesn’t work as it should. Even if you put a lot of effort into your online store, with an excellent user interface and Black Friday deals that can’t be resisted, if customers can’t complete their payment your effort is wasted.  

Completing the Customer Experience

Imagine you’re at a new grocery store. You walk around picking out some groceries for dinner, some snacks for your Friday night movie, and you just remembered you need to buy oven cleaner which you know absolutely nothing about. Luckily, there’s a helpful sign so you manage to make your choice quite easily.

You like this store – everything was easy to find, the store was well-organised and looked nice, you even tried those free samples some company was shoving in your face. You walk your cart over to the cashier to complete your purchase. You reach over to touch your card to the card machine and pay. Suddenly, a giant bug jumps in front of you and slaps your hand away from the card machine. “Well, that’s annoying”, you think to yourself, and reach over with your card again. Once again, Chad (yes, I named the bug now) jumps in front of you and slaps your hand away. Now you’re angry.

You walked all the way through the store, made some challenging choices about which chips to get, but you had an enjoyable experience, until now. You try to reach over with your card one last time, but again Chad jumps out, slaps your hand away and laughs obnoxiously in your face. You throw your hands up in frustration and storm out of the store, never to return.

OK, now you’re thinking, “What the hell is this story about?”, and I understand why – it’s a pretty weird story. But this is essentially what happens in your webshop if you have bugs in your check-out process. You might have made your webshop nice and organised, with useful tips and instructions for a better customer experience, and offers on new products that will increase your conversion rate. However, if your customers can’t complete their transaction all that previous work is wasted when customers abandon their cart and go to the store across the street where the manager banned Chad from the store a long time ago.

So, with the peak of the e-commerce season approaching, you need to be that manager across the street. You need to make sure that there aren’t any Chads – I mean bugs – that are blocking your customers from paying and that your check-out is simple and straightforward. 23% of abandoned carts are due to the check-out process being too long or complicated so it really is a crucial moment.

Authenticating the Updated Authentication

Running tests on your check-out process are especially important at the moment as the 3D Secure authentication is being updated. You’ve probably noticed that part of the payment process where you have to verify that you’re you. It’s that annoying step that redirects you through different pages and asks you for that password you wrote down somewhere with the hope that you would never have to use it.

Well, that authorisation is being updated to be more secure and better integrated in the payment process. This means that there’s a need for testing to make sure that the authentication works smoothly and that there aren’t any bugs that will ruin sales.

person paying online with card

Minimise Issues to Maximise Sales

Since you know that bugs usually shows up in the same spot, the solution here could be a structured bug test. We help you set up a test with detailed instructions and our Crowd works their way through a specific case – your payment process – finding Chad and his deadbeat friends that hang around your cash register. Then you can finally kick Chad and his friends out of your store and make some sales!

If bugs don’t hang out at your store but you’re still losing customers at some point in their journey, it might be a usability issue. Maybe your customers aren’t finding what they’re looking for because someone mixed up the signs above the dairy section? Or perhaps they get overwhelmed from having too many choices in the cleaning section? You can find out by running a usability and UX study or even have your customers tell you what they like or don’t like in a remote interview.

From Concept to Conversion

Even if you’re still building your store, we can help you make it the best that it can be, before you even let customers in! We did this recently with Beter Bed where we asked our testers to evaluate a webshop prototype and see how they found their way around the navigation. Beter Bed received valuable feedback on how to improve their menu structure, as well as comments on the look & feel of the new webshop.

Maybe you’re not sure what issues to look for and you’d rather use an all-in-one solution that covers all aspects of your webshop? We have that too! With our BugAbility™ service you get the best of both worlds – our Crowd evaluates the usability of your digital product and searches for bugs at the same time, maximising improvements to your customer experience.

The holiday season is here so make sure you check yourself before you wreck your sales. If you need tips on what to do or need help in optimising for this crucial time of year, reach out to us now!

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About the author

After growing up all over our beautiful planet, it made sense for Fredrik to join our team and be responsible for our international marketing efforts.

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