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Testautomatisierung Reicht Nicht | “Der Faktor Mensch” mit der Deutschen Telekom & Testbirds


Testautomatisierung Reicht Nicht | “Der Faktor Mensch” mit der Deutschen Telekom & Testbirds

Are you eager to learn which benefits crowdtesting adds to the development at Deutsche Telekom AG? Our webinar on July 23rd is exactly what you need. 

What? Webinar and panel discussion about the integration of crowdtesting into the agile development within Deutsche Telekom AG.
When? July 23, 2020 // 17:00 CEST

Securing the Highest Quality Through Crowdtesting

Quality is without a doubt one of the most crucial characteristics of Deutsche Telekom’s products. That’s why the company will always strive for the highest quality possible in everything they do. It’s not just the company that has quality in mind while developing new products (or improving old ones), but the high standard of quality is also something their customers should feel and experience with any of Deutsche Telekom’s products. And securing high quality means testing. A lot of testing. 

However, quick turnaround times and the high level of flexibility within agile development often limits time and resources which are urgently needed for testing. A scenario that not only telecom companies can relate to. 

That’s why we decided to show how Deutsche Telekom solves this dilemma by making Testbirds their external testing department. That way they’re able to meet their quality standards without running into bottlenecks of time and resources.

Test Automation is Not the Solution

“Let’s do test automation then!”, is something you might think, “Setting up an automation framework is quite some work and will take time, but then everything is automated and we won’t need any more resources.” This does sound really great in theory, I must admit, but practice has shown that this is untrue

Especially in an agile environment, you need flexible testing methods. Test automation is known for many things, but not for its flexibility. Crowdtesting is able to handle obstacles found during testing, as you have real people that think about what they do while they test. Therefore, they’re able to find solutions on the fly, whereas test automation can only stop and report an error. 

Test automation is not only inflexible, it also misses out on one decisive aspect: the human factor. Meeting the highest quality standards means meeting the needs of your users. But how do you know if you meet their needs without asking them? Well, you can’t. 😉 

This webinar will by no means be a tribute to crowdtesting, we’ll also show its limits and discuss where test automation can be a useful alternative

Don’t worry, the webinar won’t be a monologue where you fall asleep. We will spruce it up with a real-life example of testing the webmail app of Deutsche Telekom AG and we’ll also have a panel discussion about the pros and cons of crowdtesting and test automation. 

We’re looking forward to welcoming you on July 23rd and hearing your insights and opinions on this topic.


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